Av Ln St Rd

Av Ln St Rd is a 185sqm flat retrofit project to the lower two floors of a 4 storey property at the heart of the Crouch End Conservation area in Highgate, North London.

The design sought to rework the lower ground floor into a generous entrance hall, family bathroom, utility and connected and unified kitchen, dining and living rooms.

The key driver of the project was separating the entrance to the flat from the flats above. This was achieved by relocating the main entrance to the lower ground floor and providing a welcoming and functional arrival space.

Facilitating this required redesigning the front garden to provide a designated and accessible route in and down to the lower level, whilst improving security and unifying the front, sides and rear of the property visually.

Project Data

Architect + Interiors: Studio Merlin

Structural Engineer: Built Engineers

Building Control: Quadrant Building Control

Main Contractor: Coste + Beno

Local Authority: Haringey Council


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